João Raphael da Silva

João Raphael da Silva

João Raphael da Silva

Hello,I am an Afro-Brazilian early-career (Critical) Terrorism Studies scholar and Lecturer in Criminology at University of the West of England's School of Social Sciences (Bristol, England/U.K.). I am concluding a Ph.D. (Social Work and Social Policy – Ulster University | Belfast, Northern Ireland/U.K.).You can contact me at or Contact.

João Raphael da Silva

Olá,Natural de São Gonçalo/RJ, sou um acadêmico nos Estudos (Críticos) de Terrorismo e Professor Adjunto de Criminologia no Escola de Ciências Sociais da University of the West of England (Bristol, Inglaterra/Reino Unido). Estou concluindo um Doutorado em Serviço Social e Política Social na Ulster University (Belfast, Irlanda do Norte/Reino Unido).Me escreva em ou em Contato.



Introdução aos Estudos de Terrorismo

Estou disponível para lecionar o meu curso de extensão - Introdução aos Estudos de Terrorismo - em todo o Brasil.

Interessada(o) em levá-lo a tua universidade em 2025? Me escreva em ou em Contato.


I am an early-career (Critical) Terrorism Studies scholar concluding a Ph.D. (Social Work and Social Policy – Ulster University | Belfast, Northern Ireland/U.K.). In this context, I was a Visiting Ph.D. Researcher at the Centre of Discourse Studies (Barcelona, Spain). Also abroad, I had been awarded an M.A. (International Relations – Central European University | Budapest, Hungary) and a B.A. (International Relations – Centro Universitário La Salle do Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Previously, I have also worked as a Research Intern at the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (Vienna, Austria) and the Institute of International Relations Prague (Prague, Czech Republic).

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Monaghan, R. and da Silva, J. R. 2023. “Militant Animal Rights Activity: Terrorism, Extremism or Something Else?.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism XX(XX): XXX-XXX. doi:

da Silva, J. R. 2020. “The Eco-Terrorist Wave.” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 12(3): 203–216. doi:

Other Academic Publications:

da Silva, J. R. 2024. “Film review: The Forever Purge.” Crime, Media, Culture XX(XX): XXX-XXX. doi:

da Silva, J. R. 2023. “Book Review of Waves of Global Terrorism: From 1879 to the Present.” Critical Studies on Terrorism 16(2): 424-426. doi:

Other Publications:

da Silva, J. R. 2017 "'Jihadist Terrorism' and EU Responses: Current and Future Challenges, AIES Fokus, 6, 1-7. Available at:


Sou um acadêmico nos Estudos (Críticos) de Terrorismo e Doutorando em Serviço Social e Política Social na Ulster University (Belfast, Irlanda do Norte/Reino Unido) com período sanduíche no Centro de Estudos de Discurso (Barcelona, Espanha). Possuo Mestrado (Central European University | Budapeste, Hungria) e Bacharelado (Centro Universitário La Salle do Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) em Relações Internacionais. Anteriormente, eu trabalhava como Estagiário de Pesquisa no Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (Viena, Áustria) e no Institute of International Relations Prague (República Tcheca).Venci o Prêmio de Pesquisador do Ano da University of the West of England (Bristol, Inglaterra/Reino Unido) em 2023.

Publicações Peer-Reviewed:

Monaghan, R. and da Silva, J. R. 2023. “Militant Animal Rights Activity: Terrorism, Extremism or Something Else?.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism XX(XX): XXX-XXX. doi:

da Silva, J. R. 2020. “The Eco-Terrorist Wave.” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 12(3): 203–216. doi:

Outras Publicações Acadêmica:

da Silva, J. R. 2024. “Film review: The Forever Purge.” Crime, Media, Culture XX(XX): XXX-XXX. doi:

da Silva, J. R. 2023. “Book Review of Waves of Global Terrorism: From 1879 to the Present.” Critical Studies on Terrorism 16(2): 424-426. doi:

Outras Publicações:

da Silva, J. R. 2017 "'Jihadist Terrorism' and EU Responses: Current and Future Challenges, AIES Fokus, 6, 1-7. Available at:


Currently, I am a Lecturer at UWE Bristol's School of Social Sciences (Bristol, England/U.K.). In Brazil, I do voluntary work as an English Tutor at the Instituto Sumaúma, supporting Black and Indigenous people to pursue a Master's Degree.Previously, I have worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Roehampton's School of Humanities and Social Sciences (London, England/U.K.) a Teaching Assistant at Ulster University's School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences.

2022/2023 - Present: Lecturer - University of the West of England (Bristol, England/U.K.)

  • Introduction to Criminological Theory (UZSNLD)

  • Crime, Media and Culture (UZSY75)

  • Terrorism (UZSNQV)

  • Transnational Crime and Comparative Criminology (UZSNQK)

2021/2022 - 2022/2023: Visiting Lecturer - University of Roehampton (London, England/U.K.)

  • Victims of Crime (CRM020N202S & CRM020X244S)

  • Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRM020C105S)

  • Environmental Crime, Justice and Politics (CRM020L415S)

  • Media Representations of Crime (CRM020N130S)

2019/2020 - 2021/2022: Teaching Assistant - Ulster University (Belfast, Northern Ireland/U.K.)

  • Introduction to Crime and Deviance (PUP119)

  • Crime and Criminal Justice (PUP120)

  • State Crime (PUP305)

  • Foundations of Political Thought (POL109)


Atualmente, sou Professor Adjunto de Criminologia no Escola de Ciências Sociais da UWE Bristol (Bristol, Inglaterra/Reino Unido). No Brasil, sou Tutor de Inglês no Instituto Sumaúma.Anteriormente, eu trabalhava como Professor Visitante na Escola de Humanidades e Ciências Sociais da University of Roehampton (Londres, Inglaterra/Reino Unido) e Assistente de Ensino na Escola de Ciências Sociais e Políticas Aplicadas da Ulster University (Belfast, Irlanda do Norte/Reino Unido).

2022/2023 - Presente: Professor Adjunto - University of the West of England (Bristol, Inglaterra/Reino Unido)

  • Introdução à Teoria Criminológica (UZSNLD)

  • Crime, Mídia e Cultura (UZSY75)

  • Terrorismo (UZSNQV)

  • Crime Transnacional e Criminologia Comparativa (UZSNQK)

2021/2022 - 2022/2023: Professor Visitante - University of Roehampton (Londres, Inglaterra/Reino Unido)

  • Introdução à Justiça Criminal (CRM020C105S)

  • Vítimas de Crime (CRM020N202S & CRM020X244S)

  • Representações Midiáticas do Crime (CRM020N130S)

  • Justiça Ambiental, Crime e Política (CRM020L415S)

2019/2020 - 2021/2022: Assistente de Ensino na Ulster University (Belfast, Irlanda do Norte/Reino Unido)

  • Introdução ao Crime e Desvio (PUP119)

  • Crime e Justiça Criminal (PUP120)

  • Crime de Estado (PUP305)

  • Fundamentos do Pensamento Político (POL109)


I have written op-eds for The Intercept Brasil and the leading Brazilian newspaper, Folha de São Paulo.


Where will the New War on Terror be? (2021) - Folha de São Paulo


Lectures and Debates:

Geopolitical and Human Rights Perspectives in Afghanistan (2021) - Instituto para Reforma das Relações entre Estado e Empresa.

Definitions of Terrorism (2021) - Canal no Youtube Em Dupla com Consulta

Curatorship and Moderation - Diplomacy for Democracy Institute:

Other Media Appearances - Interviews (Crowdfunding - 2016):


Tive textos publicados na Folha de São Paulo e no The Intercept Brasil.

Artigos de Opinião:

Onde será a próxima guerra ao terror? (2021) - Folha de São Paulo


Palestras e Debates:

Perspectivas geopolíticas e de direitos humanos no Afeganistão (2021) - Instituto para Reforma das Relações entre Estado e Empresa.

As Definições de Terrorismo (2021) - Canal no Youtube Em Dupla com Consulta

Curadoria e Moderação - Instituto Diplomacia para Democracia:

Outras Aparições Midiáticas - Entrevistas (Financiamento Coletivo - 2016):



English / Português

English / Português

Where will the New War on Terror be? *

By João Raphael da Silva**

On 9/11, al-Qaida, led by Osama bin Laden, conducted a series of terrorist attacks on the United States. There was no precedent for the number of victims, some 2,977 people, nor for the American government’s response.

Speaking to Congress, President George W. Bush promised to find, neutralize and defeat any and all “terrorist groups of global reach,” starting with al-Qaida. This is how Afghanistan entered the picture as part of the War on Terror.

The Taliban had governed Afghanistan since 1996. Domestically, the group had vied for power with the Northern Alliance, then led by Ahmad Shah Massoud. Two days before Sept. 11, al-Qaida assassinated Massoud. For the U.S. government, there was no doubt that the Taliban were sheltering bin Laden and al-Qaida. A few weeks after 9/11, Americans and their allies, along with the Northern Alliance, ousted the Taliban.Ten years later, President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. had located bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Bin Laden died after an exchange of fire with U.S. Navy soldiers in an operation to capture him. However, the war in Afghanistan continued for another decade.

We are still revising the balance sheet in the conflict. The Taliban, with whom former President Donald Trump reached an agreement for the U.S. to leave Afghanistan, have returned to power. Organizations like al-Qaida which, according to the U.N., continue to be connected with the Taliban, will probably use images of Kabul airport in its propaganda. The Islamic State adds fighters to its ranks who threaten any current possibility of geopolitical stability in the region. However, for President Joe Biden, the U.S. has “achieved [its] objectives” with the war in Afghanistan: preventing a terrorist attack on American soil. He neglected to mention, however, the growth of terrorism from the extreme right in the U.S.

We understand this terrorism of the extreme right as the threat or use of violence based on a spate of discrimination, prejudice and hatred, including, for example, racism, sexism, LGPTQIAP phobia or one of the major consequences of the War on Terror, Islamophobia.The Center for Strategic and International Studies, considered the best think tank in the U.S. and internationally, conducted a study of terrorist attacks that occurred on American territory between 1994 and 2020. According to CSIS, about 57% of the incidents could be categorized as terrorism by the extreme right.

For example, in 1995, Timothy McVeigh detonated a vehicle full of explosives next to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The bombing killed 168 people. In 2015, Dylann Storm Roof shot his way into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, massacring nine people. Given the cases of McVeigh and Roof, there are those who warn that the “next 9/11” will have its origin among the American extreme right.

But there is least one major obstacle in fighting the terrorism of the extreme right. Former FBI agent Michael German wrote a report titled “Hidden in Plain Sight: Racism, White Supremacy and Far-Right Militancy in Law Enforcement” in which he detailed the activities of extremists who worked as law enforcement officers. Examples include cases involving Ku Klux Klan sympathizers. Should it occur, the war on terror of the extreme right, beyond just fighting for human rights and avoiding a repeat of the abuses at Guantanamo prison and elsewhere, will need to start at police stations.

* Original (In Portuguese): Onde será a próxima Guerra ao Terror? (2021) for Folha de São Paulo.

** Translated by Jane Dorwart and edited by Helaine Schweitzer for WatchingAmerica.